Haven Centre Inverness

Help us to build the Haven Centre in 2022!

Anyone who donates a minimum of £20 will have their name printed on the wall of the Haven Centre once it is built. All the money that you donate today will contribute to building, furnishing and equipping the Haven Centre.

Follow the steps below to make your permanent mark on the Haven Centre:

1) Visit www.gofundme.com/the-haven-appeal and donate a minimum of £20.

2) Email rona@havenappeal.org.uk to confirm that you would like your name – or the name of a loved one – to appear on the ‘Wall of Smiles’.

Donate to the Haven Centre today and play your part in creating smiles on the faces of the

children and young people who deserve our help.

If you would like to donate on a regular basis, click here download our standing order form. Thank you for choosing to donate to the Haven Centre!

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